WFDB President presents newly released 2nd Global Report!

thumnail video sanja presenting 2nd global report

WFDB President Sanja Tarczay presents the 2nd Global Report on the Situation of Persons with Deafblindness: Good Practices and Recommendations.

The report is available on WFDB’s official website, both the full report, as well as the summary. For now, it is available in three different languages: English, Spanish and French. It is obtainable in multiple accessible formats such as easy to read, large print, and international sign.

This report is essential since it builds on the findings and recommendations of the first global report published in 2018, and consolidates evidence from different regions and diverse group of persons with with deafblindness, and professionals. Significance of this report lies in greater amount of evidence that made possible to, within specific thematic areas, identify good practices case studies, as well as recommendations.

The aims of this report are:

  • to serve as an advocacy tool for WFDB members and their allies to advance the rights of persons with deafblindness
  • to stimulate collaboration, partnerships and to raise awareness of public and political partners
  • to inform stakeholders on how to foster the inclusion of persons with deafblindness.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the report, in particular, Geir Jensen, the Former President of WFDB and his hardworking team. Special thanks to all WFDB members, allies, staff and consultants. The case studies contributors were essential to the creation of this report, which includes Sense International, and DbI (Deafblind International). The report was made possible thanks to IDA (the International Disability Alliance) and their overall organizational and technical support and financial support from the Norwegian Association of the Deafblind (FNDB), Norad – Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SHAPES H2020 which receives funding from the European Commission.

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