Welcome to the President’s corner – and my window to the world
In this section, you will find the latest activities and work of WFDB’s newly elected President, Sanja Tarczay.
Stay tuned for the latest updates!
1. Visit to Slovenia: Sanja Tarczay has visited the Slovenian Association of Deafblind Persons (DLAN), from the 24th to the 25th November 2022, to support their work and to present WFDB’s work and activities. The key event during the visit was the round-table discussion with various government representatives of the Republic of Slovenia and the President of the WFDB to regulate the status and rights of people with deafblindness.

2. Online two-day lecture: On the 28th and 29th of November, Sanja Tarczay was invited by Lithuania’s Deaf Union, to hold a two-day lecture online for various groups such as: government officials of Lithuania, ministries representatives, Organisations of Persons with Disabilities, interpreters interested in becoming deafblind interpreters/guide-interpreter, members of the Lithuanian Deaf Union, and other interested participants to increase awareness on deafblindness and rights of persons with deafblind. The topics covered during the lecture were the following: How to understand Deafblindness, problems faced by persons with deafblindness and interpretation of persons with deafblindness.

3. IDA Board Meeting: On the 10th of December, we celebrated Human Rights Day, and Sanja Tarczay was very busy in Cairo, Egypt. The International Disability Alliance (IDA) held its Board Meeting and the WFDB President had the opportunity to meet with Juan Ángel De Gouveia (President of The Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons With Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS)) and with Joseph Murray (President of the World Federation of The Deaf (WFD)) and many others to discuss the position of persons with disabilities (including persons with deafblindness) in the world.

4. Meetings with DBI: On the 13th of December Sanja Tarczay met with DBI representatives (Deafblind International) to discuss further cooperation between DBI and WFDB.